
Why it’s Important to Get Your Windows Cleaned Every Year

Windows accumulate all sorts of things that  can lead to a feeling of living in a dirty house. Maybe you feel this, maybe you don’t, but the window itself is also experience a change. If you don’t get your windows cleaned regularly, mineral build up will occur and can become permanent if not removed.

The worst thing you can do for a window is to have water regularly sprayed on it whether that be from a sprinkler or attempts to clean the windows with your garden hose. As the minerals in the water build up on the window, the surface becomes rough which makes getting a perfect window cleaning more and more difficult.

If the window is rough with buildup, there is more surface area that is micro in size but evenly distributed over the window.  That extra surface area gives dirt and grim something more to hold onto which makes the window harder to clean. If it builds up enough, the window pane itself will have a rough layer of mineral build up which creates an unsmooth surface for the squeegee to drag all the water, soap, and dirt away.

The rougher the surface the, the dirtier the window gets, the harder it is to squeegee, the more streaks there are going to be.

So once a year, get your windows clean, you will make you and your window cleaner happier.
